Glatt PHOS4green at the Sewage Sludge Meeting in Sweden 2021

Helsingborg, June, 2-3

Save the date to get the lesson: June 2, 2021 – 1:30 pm

Jan Kirchhof, Senior Sales Manager Process & Plant Engineering, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, will inform about a PHOS4green plant for the production of fertilizer from sewage sludge ash

Sewage sludge treatment and recycling is also an important topic for Swedish municipalities.
Under the organization of Envisys AB, a technical meeting on sewage sludge will be held in Helsingborg, Sweden, June 2-3, 2021.

In addition to the presentation by Jan Kirchhof from Glatt Ingenieurtechnik in Germany, other topics on the agenda include:

  • Sewage sludge application in practice, from planning to execution
  • Monoincineration and large-scale phosphorus recovery
  • Large-scale incineration of various sludges
  • Recovery and separation of phosphorus, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals
  • Recovery of phosphorus and other substances from mining wastes
  • Phosphorus recovery, development and conditions
  • Billions invested in wastewater treatment technology – but what do we do with the sludge?
  • Biochar production from sewage sludge
  • Cooperation with the food industry
  • and many more

Envisys AB is a dynamic environmental and knowledge company. They work with problem solving, development and information management within the main areas of work, water treatment and waste management. They organise regular conferences on, among other things, sludge management and municipal wastewater technology and hold courses in sampling. Envisys also has a long experience in working on issues related to the return of nutrients to agriculture.

With 35 years of experience working in both practice and theory, Skåne-based Envisys is one of the country’s most experienced in nutrient recycling from wastewater.

More information about the Sewage Sluge Meeting in Helsingborg, June, 2-3