Faster to market – «There are enough good ideas, we just need to get them from lab to industrial scale faster.»
(German article)
Thanks to its technology- and process-oriented innovation expertise, plant manufacturer Glatt Ingenieurtechnik is an internationally sought-after development partner for research institutions and industry. The Technology Center is the hub for particle design: here, R&D ideas give rise to new processes, product samples, market-ready powders, granules and pellets. (German article)
- originally published in P&A Prozessdigitalisierung Automation Kompendium 2019-2020, pages 152-153 (publish-industry Verlag GmbH, Germany)
- Schneller zur Marktreife (
- Author: Dr. Michael Jacob, Head of Process Technology Food, Feed & Fine Chemicals, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH in Weimar, Germany. He is one of the formative minds behind the Wigratec+ (fluid bed granulation technology) Saxony-Anhalt/Thuringia cluster of excellence, the Pades (particle design Thuringia) joint project and is involved in the university network.